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Frequently Asked Questions

The essence of coaching is raising awareness and responsibility to unlock potential and maximize performance. Awareness is created through broadening perspectives and improving the focus of attention, which increases interest, insight and learning. Responsibility is generated by offering choice and setting up accountability, which increases confidence, self-motivation and commitment. Awareness and responsibility are both states of mind, and the mind is key to high performance.

Fortune 500 CEO’s, Olympic athletes, Super Bowl Champions and Academy Award winning actors and actresses all have coaches.  Even professional life and business coaches hire coaches to support them in living their best lives.

One of the most common misconceptions about life coaching is that it is therapy in disguise – or worse yet –therapy from an unlicensed practitioner. In reality, life coaching is truly its own unique service designed to help ambitious achievers meet the outcomes that will bring them success and fulfillment in any and all areas of life.

Often times people come to coaching when feeling stuck, faced with a specific challenge, or struggling with one or more areas of life. And who doesn’t get test by life?

No matter how “together” someone is – we can all move through those “dips” and tough situations faster with help.

Free Consultation

A complimentary conversation is the best way to introduce you to coaching and to see how coaching can benefit you.